Monday - Friday
7:45am - 12:00pm
Reservations Required!
For Reservations Call (508) 541-1400 ext. 203
*Reservations need to be made by Friday at Noon for Weekend Childcare and Monday Childcare. If we do not have more than five children enrolled in a session we will have to cancel that session for low enrollment.*
Monday - Friday
7:45am - 12:00pm
Reservations Required!
For Reservations Call (508) 541-1400 ext. 203
*Reservations need to be made by Friday at Noon for Weekend Childcare and Monday Childcare. If we do not have more than five children enrolled in a session we will have to cancel that session for low enrollment.*
Monday - Friday
7:45am - 12:00pm
Reservations Required!
For Reservations Call (508) 541-1400 ext. 203
*Reservations need to be made by Friday at Noon for Weekend Childcare and Monday Childcare. If we do not have more than five children enrolled in a session we will have to cancel that session for low enrollment.*
Performance Plus Drop In Training
At The Adirondack Club
Does your middle or high school athlete have a busy and unpredictable schedule but need to get faster and stronger to compete?
If you need weekly flexibility on when your athletes train our group performance drop-in training program is for you. You get to pick your athlete's weekly training schedule based on their needs.
Get your athlete results without having to stress about fitting it all in.
We have time slots open Monday-Friday after school, evenings, and Saturday mornings.
Typical Fall, Winter and Spring Schedule *
Monday-Friday 3:15pm
Monday and Wednesday 4:45pm
Tuesday and Thursday 5:15pm
Saturdays 9:00am and 10:00am
*Schedule subject to change.
Time slots are added weekly based on demand.
This program is limited to 8 athletes per training session.
For information on pricing or to enroll email Tom Cochrane, tcochrane@adirondackclub.com Ben Bershad bbershad@adirondackclub.com or Ryan Ohnemus rohnemus@adirondackclub.com.
*Weekly email is sent out on the weekends with a link to schedule your athlete's training sessions.