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Below are our top downloads when it comes to your health, nutrition and fitness.

To download click on the photo and then select "download now."

Fit After 40 Training Guide

Attention Women and Men over 40.

Don’t feel like you have the same “pop” like you used too?

Have you gained a few pounds and noticed daily activities seem to be much harder than they used to be?

Embarrassed because you think you should know what to do?

Not sure where to start?

We have you covered. Get started on the road to getting your body and confidence back by downloading our new Fit After 40 training guide.

You will discover the 3 areas to focus on to get you feeling great.

No more wondering what to do or where to start. You will have a strength training program designed specifically to help you crush your 40s and beyond.

Download your copy today! Click on the button or image below to download.

Grilling Good Eats Recipe Guide

With the official start of summer around the corner I am excited for one of my favorite times of the year. BBQ SEASON!

We put together a free Grilling guide for our fitness community. In this guide you will find 65 pages of grilling fun. Not only are these recipes delicious, they are also healthy too.

Below is a snapshot of what can be found in our free grilling guide.

Recipes using skewers pg. 26
Entrée recipes pg. 31
Grilled salad recipes pg. 46
Grilled veggie recipes pg. 51
Grilled fruit recipes pg. 60

Not veteran around the grill? No problem, the first 16 pages provide a strong overview of grilling basics.

Click on the link below to pick up your copy of our Free Summer Grilling Guide.
Click on the button or image below to download.

At Home Workout Work Book

Need some new workouts to get you going in the new year?

Download our free “At-Home Workout Workbook.”
Now more than ever, it's important to keep your body strong and your physical activity up.

In this workbook, you will find a warm up and 6 workouts you can do from anywhere, any time. The workbook includes links to video demonstration and a work out tracker to keep you on top of your training this fall.
Click on the button or image below to download.

Core Workout Guide

Want our top 10 core workouts you can do anywhere?

We get these questions like these all the time…

“What’s the best ab exercise to do to trim down my stomach?”

“What should I do to get a six pack?”

“What’s the best exercise to flatten my stomach?”

So we’ve decided to put together our best beginner, intermediate and advanced core workouts that you can do alone or add to your current workout.

Click on the button or image below to download.

Ultimate Fat Loss Finishers

Have you been searching for the perfect way to end your workouts…

Finally! A Workout that will deliver the best results possible in less than 10 minutes. These workouts will have you melting fat off your arms, hips, thighs and belly, leave you feeling energized, make you more confident and save you hours of time each week!

Have more fun and get better results with these COMPLETELY FREE workout Finishers!

Cardio is boring!

Yep, I said it. I am not sure too many people like cardio. Unless you are an avid runner, I can’t think of one person that just loves to go to the gym and sit on a bike, walk on a treadmill, or hit the elliptical for fun.

Not to mention that cardio doesn’t get you the results you are looking for if you want to shed some of that extra fat without losing precious muscle that gives your body a healthy and powerful shape.

You see, when you perform cardio in the typical fashion, your body adapts very quickly, and it becomes more efficient. This means that you start burning fewer and fewer calories from the same workouts.

BUT! If you perform our fat loss finishers at the end of your workouts, you can increase your fat burning potential in 10 minutes or less.

This is all made possible by the wonderful “after burn” effect that is produced from this very specific type of training. You see, these finishers ramp up your metabolism and force your body to burn more calories over the next 24-48 hours—even when you are resting!

In the end, you get better results in 1/3 of the time!

Sounds like a great deal to me!

Now, don’t get me wrong—there is nothing easy about these finishers. You have to work hard, but it is only for a max of 10 minutes!

By downloading our Fat Loss Finishers, you will discover:

23 workout finishers that will ramp up your metabolism and burn more fat

How to save valuable time in the gym so that you can enjoy other things in life

How to finally get rid of the dreaded treadmill and elliptical workouts you have been doing

How to burn fat faster than ever before by simply adding in one finisher a day to your workouts

…And all this for free! Sound too good to be true?

Well, there is one catch… You still have to do the finishers! ;-)

Get your Ultimate Fat-Blasting Finishers manual today by entering your name and email below. And get ready to ramp up your training with less time than ever! Click on the button or image below to download.

Top 10 Habits of Highly Effective Eaters

The fastest way to lose weight is through diet. In reality, diet accounts for easily more than half – though probably more like 80% - of your fat loss success.

In our guide below you will learn 10 habits that will kick start your weight loss and get you on the road to eating healthier.

Click on the button or image below to download.

Learn To Tri Strength Training Guide

🚨Attention Triathletes🚨

The next race season is not far away and your next race season is built in your off season!
Strength training is one of the pillars of sports performance, meaning it is critical to your evolution as an endurance sports athlete. A successful strength program uses resistance training to target the mobility, stability, and power required for the movements of swimming, biking, running and beyond.
This simple program provides you with 2 exercises to focus on to help improve your performance this race season.
Download your copy today using the link below or in our bio.
Click on the button or image below to download.

All About Pumpkin Recipe Guide

YES! You Can Enjoy Your Favorite Fall Treats And Still Stay Lean & Healthy!
Discover The Healthiest Pumpkin Recipes So You Can Enjoy Your Favorite Fall Treats Without Worrying About Sabotaging Your Health & Fitness Journey! Click on the button or image below to download.

Healthier Holiday Recipe Guide

Don't go through the holidays with regret from what you choose to eat. Use these healthier recipe options and still enjoy your holiday favorites! Click on the button or image below to download.

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